Tag Archives: winter

Warmth In The Snow

The second storm blew in late last night and fortunately lasted until noon. But it’s cold out there. The horses coats are thick and they have shelter but I always think of them when it’s snowing.

We took a walk to the pond on Sunday and the ground was blanketed with sparkling snow. The air was cold but the sun felt warm. Two of the horses were lying down basking in the sunshine while the other followed us. It was apparent that they all had been running that day for it was evident by the tracks in the snow.

With snowfall there is a stillness. Quiet. Even on days following with the sunshine, it’s as if nature is on pause for a short time. It isn’t really, it just feels that way. The pond had a thin sheet of ice that showed areas where thawing was occuring. Small dry twigs stuck up through the glittery snow stretching up awaiting Springtime. Barren oak trees stand covered in nothing but what little snow sticks to the topside of their branches. A cold breeze chilled my face. Pulling my hood up, I walked back toward the house along side the gelding. He shelters me from the gusts. At the gait, I scratched his warm back and shoulder. He curled his neck around me and I gently rubbed his nose. I think he knows when I am cold. No. He doesn’t. He wants a treat out of my pocket and expects me to massage his back as I always do. Spoiled horse.

I don’t mind the winter months too much but could do without the snow and ice. Next week promised to have warmer days and I promise to ride my very round horse and burn off some of that extra weight.


Posted by on February 9, 2011 in home, My horses, Photography


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The snow has stopped falling and water can be heard dripping off the rooftop onto the ground just below my window. A bright red cardinal swoops past.

I awoke early to the quiet of the morning, large flakes falling. My snow cat sat on the window sill peaking through the blinds below watching the birds. I sat at the dining room window and day dreamed about rides in the pickup across the countryside where the cows graze in the warm sunshine.

It is tax season and here on my desk lay stacks of documents for filing. Just as it is finished there are new bills, letters, applications, invoices. But I don’t like spending my days with this. Hence I get it done on this winter day for tomorrow the ice thaws. The sun shines.

There are three reasons for becoming a writer: the first is that you need the money; the second that you have something to say that you think the world should know; the third is that you can’t think what to do with the long winter evenings.”
~Quentin Crisp quotes (English Author, 1908-1999)


Posted by on February 4, 2011 in Black and White, home, Photography


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Let’s Eat!

Every bird in my town is in my backyard on the feeder kicking seeds around, and filling up on what I’ve put out for them. Well, almost. There are two pairs of cardinals and this is one of the females.

The days have been very cold and snow remains on the ground-about 2 inches. The roads remain icey but more safe than before to drive. We expect more snow tomorrow.

I don’t mind being at home for days. Some get cabin fever. At one time, I did. But after years of travel and being away from home so much, there’s nothing better than being right here. Besides, there is plenty to do here: sewing, playing with my boy, writing, painting, and of course, taking and processing photos. Did I mention how much I love to cook? It’s my 3rd day home and I snuggled up this morning with my cat lying on my back purring and kneading and thought about this new home and the peace and creativity it offers.

The coffee brewed while I got dressed, put on my socks and tiptoed into the baby’s room. He remained asleep. Water began to boil while a box of oats sat next to two small bowls.

A male cardinal swooped in and moved all other birds off the feeder.


Posted by on February 3, 2011 in home, Photography


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Snow Birds

365–Day 32 Late this morning the many birds that reside in the trees behind my home swarmed the feeders. It had rain and snowed most of the night. The wind was very cold. The feeder is along the north fence so as to blog that treacherous north wind. From time to time, this beauty swooped down onto the fence and hopped onto the feeder. The smaller birds darted onto the snow while the female cardinal completely ignored his arogance.


Posted by on February 1, 2011 in home, Photo A Day, Photography


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Sold Out

People are funny that way. They rush to the market just hours before a major storm to stock up on anything and everything. We usually have enough but tonight I needed to pick up another loaf of bread, a gallon of cow juice, and a few other small items to have on hand. As I entered the store, the grocery carts were all being used by customers except for one. I made my way down the produce isle toward the dairy section. Only 2 bananas remained. I grabbed them and placed them gently in the basket. A gallon of milk was all that I needed and apparently what the entire town of W** needed too. There was no ground meat in the butcher shop. Fortunately I have plenty in my freezer.

Tonight, sometime during the late night, early morning hours a severe winter storm is forecasted to pass through leaving up to five inches of snow and sleet over the course of the next few days. Do you know where I might find some sled dogs and a toboggan to get to work tomorrow?


Posted by on January 31, 2011 in Photography, windows


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